Dear Friends:
I wanted to write a short note about this site. If any of you know me, you know that security is very very important to me. For that reason, this domain name is registered via a proxy to provide anonymity. We have several other rules for security purposes also. I, not Anna, maintain the site. No webcast are allowed to mention school names, last names, or the fine city where we live. Her friends must abide by these rules if they wish to be on the webcasts. Her friends also must have the permission of their parents to be on a webcast.
I know that this website is silly. But it is one the games children play these days. I am hopeful that by engaging in this project with Anna at this age, that when she is older and maintains her own page on MySpace or some other social networking site, that she will have picked up some judgment in what she should post to the world.
Very truly yours,
Anna's Dad